4 Things Sellers Can Do To Help Sell Your Home
Your front yard is beautiful. The siding, brick, and driveway have all been pressure washed. You’ve painted the walls, touched up the baseboards, made your home smell like baking bread, and done everything you can to make the right first impression when a potential buyer walks through the door.
You’ve done a great job! But you’re not through yet. There are four more things you need to do to help sell your home.
Find somewhere else to be during the showing.
Don’t hang around when potential buyers come over. You may make them feel uncomfortable, and they could have a hard time seeing themselves living in the home while they’re staring at the people who actually live in the home. Not only that, one of two things is going to happen: they either won’t feel comfortable expressing their real feelings about what they see, or they will and you may not like what they say.
Take your pets with you.
Sure, you love your sweet snookie-baby-sweetie-pie, but that doesn’t mean everyone is a cat, dog, ferret, or bird lover like you are. Plus you never know what kind of fears or allergies other people have. The best way to avoid any potential problems is to find a place for your fur (or feather) baby to be during showings.
Park somewhere else, too.
This is especially necessary when parking is a premium in your neighborhood. Move your car (or better yet, leave in your car) during a showing and give buyers the good parking spot. Forcing them to walk a block or two may make them decide seeing your home isn’t worth the “hassle.”
Share the information you have.
When you know a showing is scheduled, make specific documents easy to find for buyers to review. This could be copies of the appraisal or home inspection, any information you have on the home warranty, proof of repairs you’ve done, and even information about monthly utility bills. Give buyers as much good information as possible to help them make a decision.
Don’t go to all the trouble of making your home beautiful just to be a distraction during the showing. Make yourself scarce and your information readily available. The easier you make viewing your home and learning as much as possible for buyers, the easier it is for the right buyer to find your home and make an offer.
Source: 8 Unwritten Etiquette Rules Every Home Seller Should Know, Realtor.com